Guide to SWAP-200 Interpretation
Quick start guide to using and interpreting SWAP-200. The Guide describes how and when to use SWAP-200, explains the diagnostic scales, and provides guidelines for interpreting test results.
SWAP-200 for Excel—Getting Started
Quick Start instructions for installing and activating SWAP-200 for Microsoft Excel. Read this before opening the SWAP-200 Excel file.
Clinical Diagnostic Interview—Patient Version
Clinical Diagnostic Interview—Non-Patient Version
Clinical Diagnostic Interview—Forensic Version
The Clinical Diagnostic Interview (CDI) systematizes and compresses into an approximately 2½ hour time frame the kind of interviewing expert clinicians engage in to develop an in-depth understanding of personality. Extensive research shows that the CDI provides highly reliable and valid SWAP assessment results. Use the Patient Version to assess patients seeking or receiving mental health treatment. Use the Non-Patient version with non-psychiatric populations (e.g., personnel selection, research using non-clinical populations). Use the Forensic Version for forensic assessment.